Gayau Lagoon : A Hidden Beauty in Teluk Kiluan,Tanggamus, Lampung.


    Lagoon on Gayau Beach in Kiluan Bay.   

As Lampung is located on the most southern of Sumatra Island and surrounded by Sumatra seas , no wonder, it has plenty marine tourism attractions. The most recent area gained popularity among domestic tourists for its superb marine attractions is Tanggamus regency, precisely in Kiluan Bay. Kiluan Bay and its surrounding offers a complete package of marine attractions from underwater beauty, paradise for anglers, watching dolphins in the offshore sea, and Pantai Gigi Hiu on the beach. 

Kiluan Bay also presents a hidden beauty in the form of an exotic natural swimming pool, the Gayau Lagoon.Gayau Lagoon is a lagoon located behind Kiluan Bay and located adjacent to Gayau Beach. The definition of a lagoon is a collection of salt water that is separated from sea water by a barrier in the form of sand, coral or the like and at first glance looks like a natural pool. Just enjoy its freshness by soaking, floating, swimming or what ever in the pooled water. 

To get to the location is not easy, because it is not accessible by four-wheeled vehicles, instead trekking is needed for about 30 minutes. The road is not too wide and the terrain is hilly, requiring visitors to go up and down a hill to Gayau beach. 

Once reach the beach  tourists and visitors must walk trekking path along very beautiful beach but filled with large rocks and some times across wooden bridges, but they must remain vigilant with the waves which are also quite large. The walk pays off when you get to see yourself the beauty of the Gayau Lagoon which is formed by a basin on the beach and is limited by rock walls.

For the price of admission to Laguna Gayau, it is still very affordable, where visitors only need to spend Rp. 5000,- for the entrance ticket. Have a fresh body and mind here.Just enjoy its freshness by soaking, floating, swimming or what ever in the pooled water.

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