Visit Komodo National Park : Gili Lawa Island.


Komodo National Park is treasured as national asset of natural wealth in Indonesia. Among its natural attraction is Gili Lawa, an uninhabited island lying in the north of Komodo Island. Gili Laba is another name of Gili Lawa which consists of Gili Lawa Darat and Gili Lawa Laut.

Many operators of Labuhan Bajo tour packages with diving activities will take tourists to diving spot  first, and then visit Gili Lawa. This island offers exotic hills with vast expanses of meadows, surrounded by beautiful blue seas. The meadow will be green during the rainy season and yellow during the dry season.  

When visiting Gili Lawa Darat, tourists can do tracking or climbing hills to see the scenery of the islands near Gili Lawa, such as Komodo Island, Kanawa, and Sebayur.Tracking to the top of this island takes about 30 minutes. Here, tourists have the best moment at the top of the hill to enjoy the sunrise and sunset.

Other activities that can be done are enjoying the beach and swimming. The underwater is so beautiful to enjoy. For those of you who like photography, the top of the hill is a must-visit place because of the beautiful scenery.


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