The History of Mangkunegaraan in Surakarta, Central Java.


Keraton Mangkuagaran, Solo.

Kadipaten Mangkunagara founded following the Salatiga Agreement (1757).Kadipaten Mangkunagara is an autonomous kingdom that had ruled in the Surakarta area from 1757 to 1946. The rules was traditionally called Mangkunegara. Raden Mas Said is the Mangkunegara I. 

The genealogy of the Mataram Kings including Mangkunegara I.

Despite having the same autonomous status as the other three Mataram kingdoms, the Mangkunegaran rulers did not have the same high authority as the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Kasunanan Surakarta. Its ruler is not entitled to the title "Sunan" or "Sultan" but "Prince Adipati Arya".The ruler of Mangkunegaran is domiciled at Pura Mangkunegaran, which is located in Surakarta City. The territory of Kadipaten Mangkunegaran in 1830 can be seen in the following map.
The territory of  Kadipaten Mangkunagaraan as of 1830 (Wikipedia).

The Salatiga Agreement was made in response to the rebellion of Raden Mas Said against Sunan Pakubuwana III, the ruler of the Surakarta Hadiningrat Sunanate which had been torn apart by the Giyanti Agreement, two years earlier.Based on the Salatiga Agreement, Raden Mas Said was given the right to control the eastern and southern areas of the remaining eastern Mataram area. The number of this area is relatively 49% of the Surakarta Sunanate area after 1830, which is at the end of the Diponegoro War or the Java War. The area now covers the northern part of Surakarta City (Banjarsari District, Surakarta), the entire Karanganyar Regency, the entire Wonogiri Regency, and part of the Ngawen and Semin Subdistricts in Gunung Kidul Regency.

After the independence of Indonesia, Mangkunegara VIII (the ruler at the time) declared joining the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in 1946, after the social revolution in Surakarta (1945-1946). Since then Mangkunegaran lost its sovereignty as a political unit. However, Mangkunegaran and Puro Mangkunegara still carry out their functions as cultural guardians. 

The successor of Mangkunegara VIII was the Late Kanjeng Gusti Aria Adhipati (KGPAA) Mangkunegara IX who passed away on August 13, 2021. Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Mangkunegara IX was the second son of Mangkunegara VIII. In his youth he was named Prince Kusuma and the layman referred to him as "Gusti Jiwo".  

After the death of Mangkoenagoro VIII on August 2, 1987, for about a year, Pura Mangkunegaran did not have a ruler. Coinciding with the 4th Friday of 1920 or 24 January 1988, GPH Sudjiwo Kusumo was crowned as the ruler of Mangkunagaran with the title Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Aryo Mangkoenagoro IX.

As a tradition, Mangkunegaran rulers are not buried in Astana Imogiri but in Astana Mangadeg and Astana Girilayu, which are located on the slopes of Mount Lawu. The exception is the location of Mangkunegara VI's grave, which was buried in a separate place. The question is who will succeed the Late KGPAA Mangkunegara IX as the Mangkunagaran X?


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