Natural and Cultural Attractions of Tourist Destination on Trial for Public in Bali.

Pura Ulun Danu, Beratan.

Along with the decision of the government to extent the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities or PPKM, the Bali Provincial Government has allowed tourist destinations to reopen. However, only natural and cultural attractions may be opened during the trial period for the opening of tourist destinations on the Island of the Gods.

During the trial period for opening tourist attractions in Bali for nine districts, we only allow open tourism such as nature and culture to be opened to welcome tourists who come to Bali," said Head of the Bali Tourism Office Putu Astawa in Denpasar, Wednesday, September 15, 2021. 

Astawa said tourist attractions in closed spaces have not been allowed to open because they are very risky to health and it is difficult to detect tourists who are exposed to Covid-19. In addition, closed tourist attractions can cause crowds. "Basically, we want there to be no crowds, the air circulation is quite good, only one person is exposed, the virus can be transmitted to the air circulation which is not good," said Astawa. 

In order for the trial to run smoothly, Astawa said, his party will optimize regulatory oversight for tourists regarding health protocols at tourist attractions. Satgas Covid-19, the task force, will be deployed to monitor the movement of tourists. "If any tourist attractions in Bali that are opened are proven to have violated the health procedures regulations during this trial, then we will not hesitate to revoke the certificates and permits for these tourist attractions," said Astawa. 


Source : this article reissued from " Destinasi di Bali Uji Coba Buka, Hanya Wisata Alam dan Budaya" (17/9/21) in


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