Visit West Java : Sunyaragi Cave, Cirebon.

Indonesia has so many interesting cities to visit with a variety of tourism objects from nature and built environment attractions to socio and cultural wealth. Cirebon City is no exception, cultural and religious heritages are most admired and appreciated among tourism destinations in West Java including  Sunyaragi Cave. Sunyaragi Cave is also known as Taman Sari Gua Sunyaragi, or Water Garden Sunyaragi Cave because Sunaragi Cave is surrounded by a lake called Danau Jati, or Jati Lake
Cirebon City is well known as the place where Sunan Gunung Jati, one of nine Saints of Islam revered in Indonesia founded Sultanate Cirebon, as well as Sultanate Banten.  During his kingship, Sunan Gunung Jati propagated and preached Islam on western part of Java. He ruled from his palace called Kraton Pakung wati, know become the palace of Kasepuhan Sultanate of Cirebon.
Sunyaragi Cave is one of the cultural heritage tourism sites that has existed for around 400 years old. This structure is a building with cavities and passages resembling a cave. This garden building is very unique and become part of the Palace of Kasepuhan Sultanate Cirebon. 
This cave was founded by Prince Kararangen who is a descendant of Sunan Gunung Jati. The area of the building complex reaches 15 hectares, the location is close to toll access and stations. This place used to be a place of rest and meditation for the Sultan of Cirebon and his family.

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