"The lost World" finally found in Indonesia.

Komodo Dragon in Komodo Island National Park.

Indonesia is one of the largest countries in the world, with more than 16 thousand islands. Because of this, there is a lot of wealth that can be found in Indonesia, and it is not impossible that this wealth is still buried neatly.

And shocking news came from scientists that Indonesia has lost historical treasures. researchers in a journal entitled 'Proceedings of the Royal Society B' mentioned that it turned out that Indonesia has an area called the 'lost world'.

This location was revealed through a report entitled Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The team from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) conducted an expedition to study extinct animals from 2011 to 2014. That region is an island called Sumba, which also makes scientists curious.

Sumba is said to be home to various animals, most of which have become extinct thousands of years ago. The extinct animals include miniature elephants, rats, giant lizards, and even the Komodo dragon.

Thousands of years ago, the Sumba region turned out to be home to various animals which have now become extinct. These animals are miniature elephants, rats and giant lizards, as well as Komodo dragon species.

This was also disclosed in a journal report entitled 'Proceedings of the Royal Society B'. Which, the report refers to the discovery of these animal fossils.Then, the discovery of a Komodo dragon fossil that now only lives on Komodo Island, Flores.

The same report mentions that Sumba became a place for various species around 12 thousand years ago. This also includes estimates that rare animals originally lived on Sumba, one example is the Komodo dragon fossil which is known to live on Komodo Island.

The researchers collected fossils from Sumba, which is part of the region named Wallacea. The term comes from a biologist named Alfred Russel Wallace who first gave boundaries based on the distribution of animal species in Indonesia in the 19th century.

Source :  https://prfmnews.pikiran-rakyat.com



















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