Japanese Emperor Visit in Jogjakarta, the Sultanate Palace closed for tourists one day.


The Japanese Emperor Naruhito will visit Yogyakarta on Wednesday, 21 June 2023 and among the agenda is to visit the Yogyakarta Palace. Thus, tourists who are in Jogjakarta and plan to see the Sultanate Palace need to take notice the latest operational schedule accordngly. 

The Yogyakarta Palace manager, Carik Kawedanan Radyo Kartiyoso Raden Ajeng Siti Amirul Nur Sundari said that during the emperor and empress's visit, the Yogyakarta Palace would be closed for a full day from tourist visits. "The closure of the Palace from tourist visits is only on June 21," said Siti Amirul, Tuesday, June 20, 2023.

Emperor Naruhito is scheduled to meet with the Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X at 18.00 - 19.45 WIB. The agenda for the meeting was based on the Palace's protocol records for the Royal Dinner.

During the emperor's visit, only the Kedhaton Palace complex was closed for tourist visits, while other units such as the Tamansari area continued to operate as usual.

The Sultan is scheduled to receive Naruhito's visit from the Kencana Ward area - Kedhaton Complex. The Kedhaton Complex is the main platform which has the highest hierarchical level in the Palace.

Kedhaton is the center of the Yogyakarta Palace area. In this area there are two main buildings, namely Ward Kencana and Gedhong Prabayeksa.

Both of these buildings are buildings that are considered the most sacred. Ward Kencana is a building used to hold important ceremonies, while Gedhong Prabayeksa is used to store the main heirlooms of the Yogyakarta Palace.

Source : https://travel.tempo.co


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