Supported by 19 domestic routes, Bali is now the hub of domestic tourism.

Bali as the entry point for foreign tourists to Indonesia is preparing to become a connecting area for other tourist destinations in Indonesia such as Mandalika, Labuan Bajo to Raja Ampat. With 19 domestic routes that have been connected at Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport, the Island of the Gods is worthy of being a hub for the spread of foreign tourists to various regions. 

The domestic routes from Ngurah Rai airport include Soekarno Hatta and Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Makassar, Lombok, Sumbawa, Bima, Labuan Bajo, Bandung, Kulon Progo, Surakarta, Kupang, Tambolaka, Balikpapan, Waingapu, Atambua, Timika, Wakatobi and West Sumbawa. For domestic routes, Bali is served by 13 airlines. 

As for international routes connected to Bali, Angkasa Pura I noted that they have reached 29 routes starting from a number of cities in Australia, Europe, China, Asean countries, to the Middle East. International routes to Bali have been served by 36 airlines.

Deputy Governor of Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati or Tjok Ace explained that Bali is ready to become a hub for even distribution of foreign tourist visits to all destinations in the archipelago. According to him, Bali as a hub is a positive contribution to the government's target of creating new Balis in a number of destinations. "That is the success of Bali and Beyond, there are Mandalika, Labuan Bajo and so on. Indeed, Bali leads Bali to become a destination for hubs, from here they will spread to other places," explained Tjok Ace to the media quoted, Wednesday (14/6/2023)

According to Tjok Ace, Bali does not need to worry that its role as a destination hub will reduce the length of stay of foreign tourists. Because according to him, more foreign tourists coming to Indonesia via Bali, Bali will still receive a positive impact. In addition, the Deputy Governor who also serves as chairman of PHRI (Association of Hotels and Restorants in Indonesia) Bali explained that Bali is currently focused on quality tourists by attracting foreign tourists who have large expenditures so that foreign exchange income from the tourism sector is maintained. "From our experience, foreign tourists have an average of two weeks off, maybe four days in Bali, then later spread to other areas in Indonesia," said Tjok Ace.

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