Jakarta and Bandung is now connected by High Speed Train, Kereta Cepat Jakarta Bandung Whoosh.

Presiden Joko widodo is scheduled to launch another breakthrough project in transportation in Indonesia, the fist High Speed Train, on October 1st, 2023. This project is called Kereta Cepat Indonesia Jakarta Bandung (KCJB) connecting Jakarta and Bandung within 35 to 45 minutes.  

The Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train has four stopping stations along the track, namely Halim Station in Jakarta, Karawang Station in Karawang regency, Padalarang Station in West Bandung regency and Tegalluar Station in Bandung regency (https://setkab.go.id).

The Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) project is a National Strategic Project (PSN) with total investment worth of 6.07 billion United States Dollars (US) or the equivalent of IDR 85.41 trillion. KCJB has a track length of 142.3 kilometers with an elevated structure type of 82.7 kilometers and the remainder in the form of 13 tunnels and subgrades. 

During the trial opeation, The operator of the train ,PT Kereta Cepat Indoneisa China (KCIC) is opening registration for free operational trials of the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) for the general public, starting Sunday, September 17 2023. This free Fast Train trial activity with passengers will be carried out until September 30 2023 with a limited quota, namely 500 seats for each Fast Train trip.

KCIC General Manager Corporate Secretary Eva Chairunisa said that people who want to take part in the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train trial activity can register via the site http://ayonaik.kcic.co.id/.

Source :https://www.liputan6.com


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