Top Tourism Destinations in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, in 2023.


Kelimutu Lake, NTT.

Pink Beach

Pink Beach is located in the Komodo National Park. As the name may suggest, Pink Beach , you can guess what is the main attraction of this beach. This beach with a stretch of pink sand and a combination of blue sea will spoil your eyes. Not only enjoying the beach view, in this place you can also do other activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and so on.

Kelimutu Lake

Another natural wonder in Indonesia is Kelimutu Lake. It is a well known tourist destination in  East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). This lake is also known as the "Three Color Lake", because the color of the lake often changes. 

Kelimutu Lake has three giant pools. Each puddle has a water color that always changes every year. The water in one of the three pools is red and can be dark green as well as heart red; in other puddles it is dark green to light green; and in the third puddle it is blackish brown to sky blue.

To enjoy the beauty of this lake, you need to climb Mount Kelimutu whith an altitude of 1631 meters above sea level. Kelimutu Lake  is a type of volcanic lake  because this lake was formed due to a volcanic process that created a crater/basin on top of the volcano. All of this area is part of Kelimutu National Park.


Padar Island

Padat Island viewed from the hill top.

Padar Island is one of the main attractions of Komodo National Park.Padar Island has a breath taking view so that you will also be pampered by the beautiful pink beach where the water is very clear and still very well maintained.

Still not satisfied with wanting to see the beauty of Padar Island? You can climb the hill by climbing the stone stairs that have been provided for visiting visitors.Even though the road to the hill is steep and tiring, it will all be worth it with the beautiful panorama when you reach the top. The charm of the sea that is so blue and the rows of islands around here cannot be described in words, it's so beautiful and really instagrammable. No Surpiring that many young couples have their pre-wedding event up on the hill top.

Komodo National Park

The most popular tourist spot in NTT is Komodo Island National Park.Komodo National Park was founded in 1980 and is located in Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province.Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) is an ancient and rare species that is almost extinct, you can only find it in Komodo National Park. In fact, this place has become the pride of Indonesia because it has been inaugurated as one of UNESCO's world heritage wonders.

Komodo National Park covers 3 main islands, namely Komodo Island, Rinca and Padar, there are also many other small islands which together have a land area of 603 km². The total area of Komodo National Park is currently 1,817 km². Expanding to 25 km² (Banta Island) and 479 km² of sea water will result in a total area of up to 2,321 km².

In the Komodo National Park area, you can also find horses, wild bulls, deer, male wild boars, snakes, monkeys and various types of birds. Apart from that, Komodo National Park has amazing underwater biota. Divers say that Komodo waters are one of the best diving spots in the world.

Nawaihatu Beach

Haven't you heard Nihiwatu Beach? So unfortunate, because  Niwihatu beach  is  among the 100 best beaches in the world. This beach ranked 17th out of the 100 best beaches in the world and the only beach in Indonesia that was chosen as the best beach in Asia.

The beauty of this beach also beats Hanalei Bay in Hawaii!This is because the beach is so beautiful, especially in terms of sand. The 2.5 km stretch of white sand combined with the clear sea water provides a charm that can spoil the eyes of anyone who sees it.

This beach has become a paradise for surfers. This beach has fierce waves. However, this ferocity actually attracts world-class surfers to conquer it. That's why Nihiwatu Beachis is one of the destinations for world-class surfers or surfers to try the ferocity of the beach's waves. Even surfers call this beach waves as left God waves.





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