Happy 267th Anniversary of Yogjakarta City : the day of Transfer from Ambangketawang to Yogjakarta Palace.


The date on October 7th is always remembered as the founding day of this city. The existence of the city of Yogyakarta cannot be separated from the Yogyakarta Palace. Because, the date of the founding of the City of Yogyakarta refers to the day when the King of the Yogyakarta Palace, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, occupied the Yogyakarta Palace.

This event occurred on October 7, 1776. In the Javanese calendar, Thursday Pahing 13 Sura 1682. The Yogyakarta Palace was actually built on October 9, 1775. The location where the palace was built was a forest. It is called Pabraringan Forest  located between two rivers. Namely, the Code t River on the west and the Gajah Wong River on the east side.

During the construction of the palace, Sultan HB I lived at Pesanggrahan Keraton Ambarketawang. It's to the west, now in the Ambarketawang Village area, Kapanewon Gamping, Sleman Regency.

When the Yogyakarta Palace building was completed, Sultan HB I decided to move. The transfer or transfer of Sultan HB I, his family and followers from the Ambarketawang Palace to the Yogyakarta Palace occurred on October 7 1756.

That day was used as the founding day of the City of Yogyakarta. Happy 267 anniyversary the City of Yogyakarta. 

Source :Selamat Ultah Ke-267 Kota Jogja, Hari Boyongan Sultan HB I dari Keraton Ambarketawang ke Keraton Yogyakarta - Radar Jogja - Halaman 2 (jawapos.com)











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