A New Look of Miniature Garden of Beautiful Indonesia (TMII)



Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) has a new look after going through a renovation. The new face is the result of collaboration between three ministries, namely the Ministry of State Secretaries (Kemensetneg), the Ministry of PUPR, and the Ministry of BUMN (State Owned Enterprises).  Browse www.tamanmini.com for more.

The renovation of TMII is part of accelerating the implementation of infrastructure development to support the holding of international events.The renovation of TMII is one of President Jokowi's mandates as regulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 116 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Implementation of Infrastructure Development for International Event Organizing Units in the Provinces of Bali, DKI Jakarta, NTB and NTT.

The management of TMII was handed over by the Ministry of State Secretariat to a subsidiary of the BUMN InJourney Tourism holding company, namely PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko (TWC) as of July 1 2021. TMII is now managed by PT Bhumi Visatanda (PT Bhiva) which is a subsidiary of PT TWC .

The new of TMII is expected to become an iconic tourism destination in Indonesia potraying the miniature of the diversity and richness in the cultures of Indonesia.

Source :www.kompas.com

Adapun renovasi TMII merupakan bagian dari percepatan pelaksanaan pembangunan infrastruktur untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan acara internasional.

Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "Peresmian Wajah Baru TMII Dibanjiri 127.000 Pengunjung", Klik untuk baca: https://biz.kompas.com/read/2023/09/03/080000828/peresmian-wajah-baru-tmii-dibanjiri-127.000-pengunjung.

Kompascom+ baca berita tanpa iklan: https://kmp.im/plus6
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Adapun renovasi TMII merupakan bagian dari percepatan pelaksanaan pembangunan infrastruktur untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan acara internasional.

Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "Peresmian Wajah Baru TMII Dibanjiri 127.000 Pengunjung", Klik untuk baca: https://biz.kompas.com/read/2023/09/03/080000828/peresmian-wajah-baru-tmii-dibanjiri-127.000-pengunjung.

Kompascom+ baca berita tanpa iklan: https://kmp.im/plus6
Download aplikasi: https://kmp.im/app6


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