The Celebration of 1st Suro in Surakarta : The History of "Kebo Bule"


"Kebo Bule" in the cage at the Palace Compound of Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat.

The celebration of the 1st Night of the Suro Keraton Surakarta Heritage Carnival on Sunday  was lively. Starting at around 23.30 WIB or midnight, people continued to flock to the carnival route, especially the Gladag Roundabout area. One thing that is unique about this carnival is the white buffalo ("Kebo Bule") who is Cucuk Lampah or leader of the marching.

According to the Surakarta City Government website, "Kebo Bule" called also as Kyai Slamet is considered a bringer of blessings and salvation from the Almighty. His arrival was always eagerly awaited. In the past, many residents tried to hold this buffalo when passing by. In fact, there are people flocking to pick up Kebo Bule's feces, which is considered to bring blessings because it is an heirloom belonging to the Kasunanan Palace.However, now people can only watch this white buffalo and are not allowed to touch it. In fact, people have to keep their distance.

                                                                  (Courtesy : YouTube)

The name Kyai Slamet on this white buffalo refers to one of the heirlooms in the form of a spear belonging to the Kasunanan Palace, which is routinely carried around the walls of Baluwarti every. Tuesday and Friday Kliwon by Pakubuwono X. Kebo Bule always follows behind, and because of this togetherness, it has become a tradition that preserved until now.

The beginning of Kebo Bule's presence began with a gift given by the Regent of Ponorogo, Kyai Hasan Besari Tegalsari, to the Kartasura Palace (Islamic Mataram). This gift was given as a bodyguard for Kyai Slamet's spear, after Pakubuwono II succeeded in reclaiming the Kartasura Palace from the hands of the rebels. When the kingdom was moved to Sala Village in 1745, Kebo Bule was released and walked alone until he stopped at the location which is now the Kasunanan Palace.

Kebo Bule those that still exist today are descendants of white buffalo from the era of Pakubuwono II. Apart from being a spear guard, Kebo Bule is also considered a symbol of the small people, especially farmers, and as a repellent to evil. In Javanese belief, buffalo have the sensitivity to ward off evil spirits and eliminate bad intentions.

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