
Showing posts with the label Adventure

Visit Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach,Komodo Island. Indonesia is indeed a fascinating country comprising of a vast archipelago of  more than 17,000 islands, stretching  over 3,181 miles from east to west. No wander that Indonesia is also called as a necklace of equatorial emeralds .  with such an extensive coasline, Indonesia boasts as one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, the country's coastline stretches for approximately 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles), which is indeed one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to Wikipedia, the fourth longest in the world with over 80,000 kilometers (50,000 miles). Indonesia is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Tripadvisor just announced its top picks the best beaches in the world for 2025. And the winner is Elafonissi beach in Crete, Greece. Among the Top 10 world beaches, Indonesia contributes Kelingking beach in Nusa Penida, Bali to the world. Kelingking  Beach is...

Tourist Visits to Komodo National Park Increased in 2023.

Despite the increase of tariffs in tourism services, Komodo National Park has experinced an increase in the number of tourist visits to the sunctuary of Komodo dragon. Year 2023 has seen the rise in the number of tourists visiting East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) at Labuhan Bajo. Of many tourist attractions in NTT like Padar Island, Komodo National Park is favourite one.  Since the beginning of 2023, the number of visits to KNP has continued to increase. Head of the West Manggarai Regency Tourism, Creative Economy and Culture (Disparekrafbud) Office, Pius Baut said that 22,637 tourists visited the Komodo National Park (TNK) from January to March 2023. The number of visits increased from 4,960 people recorded in January, February 7,008 people, and March as many as 10,669 people. Of these, most tourists come from abroad."Tourist visits to KNP were dominated by foreign tourists, totaling 12,071 people. Meanwhile, there were 10,566 domestic tourists," said Pius.   He said the number of t...

New Tariffs for Tourism Services in Komodo National Park.

  The management of Komodo National Park, PT. Flobamor, has set new tarifsf for  tourist services in the National Park.This rate was stipulated in a decision letter from PT Flobamor's board of directors with letter number 01/SK-FLB/III/2023.  ada ada ada letter letter ada   In this letter, the stipulation of tariffs for nature tourism services includes matters related to information, scouting, trekking trips, bird watching, sport fishing, film shooting, photography, research and special interest night tours.This tariff has been in full effect starting April 15, 2023.The types of tariffs that have been set are as follows: Guidance and Travel Information Services : Short Track, which is IDR 250,000/person for Indonesian citizens and IDR 400,000/person for foreigners. Medium Track namely Rp. 275,000/person for Indonesian citizens and IDR 425,000/person for foreigners  Long Track, which is IDR 300,000/person for Indonesian citizens and IDR 450,000/person for fo...

Why South Sumatera province called "the Land of Batanghari Sembilan".

Musi River flows through Palembang City. South Sumatra is a province in Indonesia located in the southern part of the island of Sumatra. the capital city of South Sumatra is the city of Palembang, and in 2021 the population of this province is 8,550,849 people. After independence, in the first meeting of the Regional National Committee (KND), Sumatra Island administratively was then divided into three provinces namely: North Sumatra, Central Sumatra and South Sumatra.  Subsequently, South Sumatera then were divided into three provinces namely South Sumatera, Lampung, and Bengkulu. South Sumatera occupied the region of Palembang Residency under the Dutch Administration. Under the Autonomy Act 1999, Bangka Belitung Islands then became a province separated from South Sumatera. South Sumatera is known as a rich province in Sumatera Island.Natural resources like coal, natural gas, and oil are found abundant in this province. It is not surprising that Palembang, the provincial capital of...

An Inspiring letter from Indonesian Yachtwoman about her nomadic life at the sea and yet still find happiness.

(Courtesy of Youtube) I am Ika Permatasari-Olsen, a woman from Surabaya who has lived a nomadic life on a yacht for five years. Since deciding to stay on the ship, many have questioned my choice to stay on the ship with my husband. My husband and I, Oeyvind Olsen, who are Norwegian citizens, have been spending our daily time sailing European waters since 2018. We decided to go on an adventure by boat, even though we often get lots of 'sneaky' comments from people around us. I feel happy and comfortable living my sailing life on a ship. Actually, on the first day of sailing and the ship was immediately hit by a storm, I wanted to go straight home. But, over time I discovered sailing on a sunny day, the experience turned out to be more enjoyable and addictive until now. At first I commuted from Surabaya to Europe almost every month because of work demands. When not holding the steering wheel, I work remotely for a software company owned by Singapore, which has a branch in Surabay...

Just Explore the Largest Archipelago in the World

  The world's largest archipelago nation is known as Indonesia. In actuality, Indonesia is made up of more than 17,000 islands, both large and tiny, spanning 5000 km from Merauke in West Papua on the east to Sabang Island in the northernmost part of Sumatra Island on the west. When you superimposed over Europe and the United States of America, you will see that it extends from Ireland to Iran and from California to Bermuda over Europe. It goes without saying that Indonesia is also referred to as an equatorial emerald necklace.Marine transportation is the best way of enjoying its beauty as well as its vastness.    You'd love it crusing in Radja Ampat, West Papua. The greatest way to see Indonesia's natural beauty, according to maritime lovers, is to leisurely sail between the scattered islands in boats, yachts, or ships that were built with living quarters on board. Imagine living on a "floating hotel" that has toilets, bedrooms, and three meals per day.  (Cour...

South Sumatra Envisioning A Museum of Fish Species.

  Balaputradewa Museum in Palembang, South Sumtra. About 35 percent of the 8.9 million hectares of land area in South Sumatra is lowland or wetlands. Both peat swamps, rivers and mangroves. In the wetland landscape live hundreds of species of freshwater fish. For dozens of centuries, various types of fish have been the main food of the community. However, changes in the wetland landscape have made most types of freshwater fish extinct or rare. What efforts should be made? "Apart from saving or maintaining the remaining wetlands, it is also necessary to create a fish museum," said Dr. Yenrizal, FISIP environmental communication expert, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. "It is hoped that the presence of the fish museum can become a source of knowledge, so that it will help motivate the community to continue to protect or protect the wetlands in South Sumatra," he said recently. Chandra Amprayadi, Head of the Balaputra Dewa Palembang State Museum said, “It is an idea that mus...

Tourist Destinations Reopened in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java.

The Banyuwangi Regency Government, East Java, has re-opened tourist destinations that had been closed due to Covid-19. The opening followed the success of the easternmost district of Java Island that managed to reduce the handling of Covid-19 to Level 2 (Level 4 being the worst). The opening was ceremonially marked by the release of hatch lings into the sea by the Regent of Banyuwangi, and tourism actors. Although tourism was reopened, strict controls will be in place. Limiting the number of visitors, rules for vaccines using the PeduliLindung application, and disciplined health protocols must be top priorities.  Not all tourist destinations in Banyuwangi were opened. Only 15 opened from 64 tourism destinations in Banyuwangi. The fifteen tourist destinations are the Crater of Mount Ijen, Pulau Merah, Alas Purwo, Grand Watudodol, Tamansari Tourism Village, Bangsring Underwater, Cacalan Beach, Cemara Beach, Mustika Beach, Green Bay, and others. Although in Level 2, swimming pool will...

Visit South Sumatra : Bukit Jempol, Lahat.

Bukit Telunjuk with Lematang river in the foreground. South Sumatra is one of provinces on Sumatra Island Bukit Barisan passes through. Geographically, Lahat regency is covered by Bukit Barisan that no wander its topography has  quite many hills including Bukit Jempol. Its unique shape like someone who is giving a thumbs up makes it often called the thumb hill. Besides, this hill is also known as Bukit Tunjuk, because on the other hand it is shaped like a finger pointing upwards. In fact, originally the hill was named Bukit Serelo located in the village of Ulak Pandan kec. Merapi Barat Lahat .  Located aroung 260 km from Palembang, Bukit Telunjuk has unique attraction to visit Lahat. The charm of the hill is so amazing that many climbers from outside the area are curious to see its original form up close.During holiday, local climbers often make Bukit Jempol as a climbing target. Bukit Jempol is quite challenging for its contours and terrain. To reach to the peak of ...

Endless Beauty of Lampung : Come and Enjoy the Teasure Of Sumatra Island.

Lampung is a province on the most southern part of Sumatra  Island,with a myriad of tourist destinations, which are very fascinating and will never be forgotten. You just relax and then enjoy the beautiful coral reefs under the sea water. Besides, the lake and the national park in Lampung are also so  challenging to explore. When you decide Lampung is you choice, then five tourist destinations are recommended for you to visit. Starting from the beach, the bay, the lake, and last to the National Park. 1.Pantai Gigi Hiu  Pantai Gigi Hiu or Shark Teeth Beach has a characteristic of coral formation scattered on the beach . This makes the beach has its own uniqueness. This beach is located in Kelumbayan District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province. Its is a good spot for selfies as its stunning coral reefs make your photos beautiful and what makes this spot so memorable when sunset. The sun's light at sun rise and sunset, makes this beach ...

Visit Komodo National Park : Gili Lawa Island.

  Komodo National Park is treasured as national asset of natural wealth in Indonesia. Among its natural attraction is Gili Lawa, an uninhabited island lying in the north of Komodo Island. Gili Laba is another name of Gili Lawa which consists of Gili Lawa Darat and Gili Lawa Laut. Many operators of Labuhan Bajo tour packages with diving activities will take tourists to diving spot  first, and then visit Gili Lawa. This island offers exotic hills with vast expanses of meadows, surrounded by beautiful blue seas. The meadow will be green during the rainy season and yellow during the dry season.   When visiting Gili Lawa Darat, tourists can do tracking or climbing hills to see the scenery of the islands near Gili Lawa, such as Komodo Island, Kanawa, and Sebayur. Tracking to the top of this island takes about 30 minutes. Here, tourists have the best moment at the top of the hill to enjoy the sunrise and sunset. Other activities that can be done are enjoying the beach and swimm...

Explore Old Temple in DI Jogjakarta : Candi Sari.

  Candi Sari is close to Candi Kalasan about 3 km. Found in Bendan Village,  Tirtomartani, Kalasan, Sleman Regency, Candi Sari is also called Candi Bendan. From the City Center of Jogjakarta, it is about 10 km. Candi Sari and Candi Kalasan are Buddhism Temples. Both temples are similar in  the beauty of the building and the fineness of the sculpture. Besides, both temples have similarity in the use of vajralepa to cover ornaments and reliefs on external walls. The temple was estimated to had been built in the 8th century AD, namely during the reign of Rakai Panangkaran, along with the construction of the Kalasan Temple. The two temples do have many similarities, both in terms of architecture and relief. Candi Sari was rediscovered in the early 20th century in a state of serious disrepair.  The first restoration was carried out between 1929 and 1930. The restoration has not succeeded in restoring the integrity of the original building. This is due to the many missing ...

Gayau Lagoon : A Hidden Beauty in Teluk Kiluan,Tanggamus, Lampung.

      Lagoon on  Gayau Beach in Kiluan Bay.    As Lampung is located on the most southern of Sumatra Island and surrounded by Sumatra seas , no wonder, it has plenty marine tourism attractions. The most recent area gained popularity among domestic tourists for its superb marine attractions is Tanggamus regency, precisely in Kiluan Bay. Kiluan Bay and its surrounding offers  a complete package of marine attractions from underwater beauty, paradise for anglers, watching dolphins in the offshore sea, and Pantai Gigi Hiu on the beach.  Kiluan Bay also presents a hidden beauty in the form of an exotic natural swimming pool, the Gayau Lagoon.Gayau Lagoon is a lagoon located behind Kiluan Bay and located adjacent to Gayau Beach. The definition of a lagoon is a collection of salt water that is separated from sea water by a barrier in the form of sand, coral or the like and at first glance looks like a natural pool. Just enjoy its freshness by soaki...

Let's Enjoy the Beauty of Pulau Tegal Mas, the Maldives of Lampung.

Geographical setting on the southermost of Sumatra Island and surrounded by Indian Ocean, Sunda Street, and Java sea makes Lampung overwhelmingly rich with marine tourism potentials to tap as tourism destinations consisting of beaches,and small islands. Tegal Mas island is among  small islands on the south east of Lampung recently gained popularity, the most visited, among domestic tourists in Lampung who dubbed it as the Maldives of Lampung for its stunning picturesque of beautiful islands and turquoise sea making a great choice for beach gate away.   The location of Tegal Mas Island is in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung. Tegal Mas Island Lampung itself is just across of Sari Ringgung Beach, one of the most popular beaches in Lampung. You can drive from Bandar Lampung City to Sari Ringgung beach passing through  Jalan RE Martadhinata -  Duta Wisata Beach - Tirtayasa Beach - Villa Gardenia - Queen Artha Beach - Mutun Beach - Hanura Market - On the left side of the road t...

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