Saung Mang Ujo Reborn : A New Spirit of Saung Mang Ujo in the Aftermath of Pandemy Covid 19.
(Courtesy of Youtube) Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is back on its feet after being hit hard by the pandemic. The moment of revival was marked by the Udjo Reborn performance on Saturday, 30 July 2022 evening. In fact, one of the mainstays of educational tours in West Java, this was quite adrift during the pandemic. Even though they had been selling show tickets virtually, the threat of permanent closing of SAU had become a hot issue. In his remarks, the leader of SAU, Taufik Hidayat Udjo also stated the downturn he had experienced during the pandemic. Prapandemi, SAU used to receive nearly 2,000 guests and perform more than 3 shows per day. "We were before Covid (receiving) nearly two thousand people per day. But during Covid, two people a day were also difficult. So, we really had to fast. We thought about how this would be the fate of our friends (SAU employees)," said Taufik at Saung Angklung Udjo, Jalan Padasuka 118, Kec. Cibeunying Kidul, Bandung City on Saturday (30/7/202