
Showing posts with the label Bengkulu

Visit Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach,Komodo Island. Indonesia is indeed a fascinating country comprising of a vast archipelago of  more than 17,000 islands, stretching  over 3,181 miles from east to west. No wander that Indonesia is also called as a necklace of equatorial emeralds .  with such an extensive coasline, Indonesia boasts as one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, the country's coastline stretches for approximately 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles), which is indeed one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to Wikipedia, the fourth longest in the world with over 80,000 kilometers (50,000 miles). Indonesia is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Tripadvisor just announced its top picks the best beaches in the world for 2025. And the winner is Elafonissi beach in Crete, Greece. Among the Top 10 world beaches, Indonesia contributes Kelingking beach in Nusa Penida, Bali to the world. Kelingking  Beach is...

Fort Marlborough : A Legacy of British Colonization in Indonesia.

  Fort Marlborough is a legacy of British rule in the country. Especially in Bengkulu, Sumatra. The fortress was founded by the East India Company (EIC) in 1714–1719 under the leadership of Governor Joseph Callet as a bastion of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Built on an artificial hill, its position faces the city of Bengkulu, with its back to the Indian Ocean.  The fort was a very strong defensive base in the British Bencoolen, the Britain's second strongest stronghold in the East, after Fort St. George in Madras, India. The name Fort Marlborough refers to the name of the Duke of Marlborough I who at that time became a hero in the Anglo-French war. From historical point of view, Bengkulu Province deserves to be remembered as the first British colony in the archipelago. The British arrived in Bencoolen, the British name of Bengkulu, to set up a stronghold in 1685 as their base of operation to extract the spices form the archipelago, making it then  Bengkulu among “...

Tourist Destinations in Bengkulu Province

Fortress Marborough   Location: Bengkulu Description: British fortress was established in 1731-1719 by the East Indian Company.   Pantai Panjang Location: 1 km from the city center of Bengkulu.   Pantai Pasir Putih   Location: 20 km from Bengkulu   Dendam Tak Sudah Lake Location 5 km from the city center bengkulu.   Monument Par & Hamilton Location: city of Bengkulu.   State Museum of Bengkulu   Location: Jl.Pembangunan Harapan Bengkulu, 4 km from the city center. Description: The museum collection is customary, traditional weapons, forms of traditional houses, painting renjang, historical heritage relics of North Bengkulu regency, South Bengkulu regency and others.   Jakat Beach & Tapak Paderi Beach Location: in the city of Bengkulu   Tomb of Sentot Ali Basya Location: in Bengkulu.   Suban Hot Water   Location: Rejang Lebong, 90 km from the city of Bengkulu.   Kaba Hill Location: Rejang Lebon...

Where to stay in Bengkulu : Lists of Hotels

Traditional House in Bengkulu 1. Hotel Grage Horizon    Alamat : Jl. Pantai Nala No 142 Bengkulu Phone 0736 21722 Fax 22072 2. Hotel Rio Asri    Alamat : Jl. Veteran No 63 Bengkulu, Phone  : 0736 21952  Fax : 25728 3. Hotel Madelin Alamat : Jl. Bakti Husada No 88 Bengkulu.Phone : 0736-52777 / 52778, 4. Hotel Raffles City AFFLES CITY Jl. Pariwisata No. 1 Pantai Panjang Kota Bengkulu, Telp: 0736-27173/25762/25099, Fax: 0736-25728 5. Hotel SPLASH  Jl. Sudirman No. 19, Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia 6. Hotel Grand Marina  Alamat : Jl. Pariwisata Pantai Panjang Bengkulu, Phone: 0736-5611001, 7. Hotel Malibu Beach Hotel Alamat  : Jl. Pariwisata Pantai Panjang Bengkulu, Phone: 0736-5611001, 0736-5611183 8. Hotel Dena Alamat : Jl. Fatmawati No 29 BengkuluPhone : 0736-341171, Fax  : 21066 9. Hotel Pasir Putih Resort Alamat : Jl. Pariwisata No 1 Pantai Panjang Bengkulu, Phone : 0736 2533...

In Bengkulu Struggle Monument of Thomas Parr

Located in the southeast and is 170 m from Fort Marlborough. This monument is a geographical keletakan 03o47'19,16 "LS and 102o15'04,1" BT. This monument to commemorate a monumental building Resident Thomas Parr who was killed the people of Bengkulu. This monument has a Corinthian-style columns. The entrance to the monument is located at the front and right side and the left. The shape of the entrance arch is perfect and has no doors. On one wall in the room in the monument there is an inscription, but at this point can no longer be read. The top of the monument has a dome-shaped roof. Based on the painting in the book Joseph C. Stadler Sotut Prints of East Asia in the India Office Library looks at the location of this monument are Government House and the House of EIC. The monument was built in memory of Thomas Parr, a British resident of Bengkulu stabbed to death and then beheaded by local residents in 1807 when he was resting in his house. Thomas Parr ...

the Beauty of the Island of Tikus, Small Sand Island Bengkulu

Pulau Tikus (Rat Island )is a small island measuring 60 × 100 meters or about 0.85 acres. Pulau Tikus is a coral island which has a rich marine life so it is a very suitable place for fans of diving or snorkeling. Not only that, pulau tikus becomes a fitting location for fishing because of the types of fish that often swim reef Area. Tourism Regions Pulau Tikus is located approximately 10 kilometers west of Bengkulu. Of course, to go to the pulau tikus, you must use a tool such as water transportation speed boat or fishing boat. You can ride from Jakat Beach, Beach Tread Padri Baai Island or from the port. If Jakat Beach, travel time is approximately 60 minutes, from the beach Tread Padri about 30 minutes and from the port Baai Island is about 40 minutes.  As for the three spots towards the port you can use any vehicle either public transport or private. For public transport, you can use public transportation yellow you can find in the Road to get to the beach Suprapto Tre...

Detention House of President Soekarno

In the span of 1938-1942 the Father of the Indonesian Nation, Bung Karno was exiled by the Dutch in Bengkulu. The house is now located in the middle of Bengkulu City, precisely on Jalan Sukarno Hatta, Village Anggut Atas , Sub-district of Gading Cempaka. Bengkulu witnessed the life journey of an Indonesian proclaimator, and is Indonesia's first president, Ir. Sukarno or better known as Bung Karno . Bung Karno's past could not be separated from the shadow of exile by the Dutch colonial. There are several areas which have become the place of exile for the proclamator and one of them is Bengkulu. In this house there are items left by Sukarno, such as the iron bed that Soekarno and his family used before, a collection of books, the majority of which are in Dutch. This exile home original size is 162 m² with building 9 x 18 m. Rectangular shape of the building no legs and plain walls. Having a yard large enough with pyramid-shaped roof. The main double-le...

Gallery of Bengkulu Lake Dendam Tak Sudah

Has an area of ​​about 37.50 hectares, the lake is located in the City of Curup, North Bengkulu, not far from the center of the city of Bengkulu, which is approximately 6 miles. The lake is surrounded by green hills is a preservation area that holds a lot of potential ecological and ecosystem balance. Revenge Lake Nature Reserve Not already undergone several expansion areas. First in 1936, where the Dutch East Indies government designated it a nature reserve with a total area of ​​11.5 hectares. In 1979, the nature reserve dipeluas again to 430 hectares. Until 1999, the total area to 577 hectares The lake is a habitat for several rare species of fish. The fish comes from the family Anabantidae, Bagridae, and Cyprinidae. Another special thing about this lake is the main habitat for rare endemic plants, namely pencil orchid (Vanda hookeriana). Other species also live here like a sun orchids, palm, plawi, Pulai, daffodils, Gelam, stretched, sikeduduk, brosong, Ambacang swamp, and...

Visit Fort Marlborough in Bengkulu, the Largest British Fort in the Southeast Asia.

Fort Marlborough (Fort Marlborough) is not only a bastion of the British territory on the west coast of Sumatra but also as a place to maintain the monopoly of pepper Bengkulu and trade. The fort was built by the East India Company (EIC) in 1713 to 1719 during the leadership of Governor Joseph Callet. The fort is considered as the second strongest fort belonging to the British in the east after the castle of St. George in Madras, India. Marlborough own name given by the British government which holds to John Churchill Duke of Marlborough I as a mark of respect. Initially used as a defense fort but switching function as a commodity trading at the same pepper supervision center of the Malacca Strait. Judging from the architecture of the castle is more like dwelling in the city center than the fort or trading center. According to the British Library records that exist in this fort explain the process of baptism, marriage, and death of the occupants. There are approximately 90 civilian ...

Natural Attractions Bukit Kaba

Hill Nature Objects kaba a twin volcano with a black mountain that has been extinguished. At the top there are three craters are quite beautiful to dinikmati.Untuk reach the top of the mountain climbers kaba is prior to the Rejang Lebong District City - Curup. For Curup to be reached from the west of Bengkulu about 90 miles round trip and also climbers can reach it from the east, from Palembang and Lahat regency through Lubuk Linggau. From Curup kaba hill toward the village and camping in the village Source Urip (north mountain) approximately 25 miles from Curup. The climb up to the top of the village in the dike durian source urip approximately 1 to 4 hour drive, but this time can be a vehicle with two wheels and four wheels, even now there are motorcycle taxis are available to take the tourists to get to the top of the hill kaba. On the way to the top of the hill kaba there are a lot of beautiful scenery and beautiful to the eye and plantations belonging to residents in ...

Thermal Baths Suban Rejang Lebong Bengkulu

Rejang Lebong District has many attractions Nature is quite interesting, one of which is the Thermal Baths Suban. Tourism Regions Thermal Baths Suban is located about 6 kilometers from the city Curup.  At this location there are pools of hot springs. Pond shape is simple, but the nature around it is very beautiful coupled with cliffs overgrown with trees.  With this unification, the atmosphere is very natural in the pool splinter. Hot springs that exist in these ponds comes from springs that flowed through the pipes or bamboo poles to form like a fountain. Soak in the hot tubs actually provide superb relaxation. after soaking our bodies seemed fresh again, exhausted and tired even disappear instantly. The legend says that this natural hot spring is believed to cure various skin diseases, muscle pains, and rheumatism. Therefore, for those who experience this game trying to soak in hot water bathing this Suban. Access to Water Heat Suban is not difficult because...

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