
Showing posts with the label Province D.I.Yogyakarta

Visit Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Pink Beach,Komodo Island. Indonesia is indeed a fascinating country comprising of a vast archipelago of  more than 17,000 islands, stretching  over 3,181 miles from east to west. No wander that Indonesia is also called as a necklace of equatorial emeralds .  with such an extensive coasline, Indonesia boasts as one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, the country's coastline stretches for approximately 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles), which is indeed one of the longest coastlines in the world. According to Wikipedia, the fourth longest in the world with over 80,000 kilometers (50,000 miles). Indonesia is home to some of the most stunning beaches in the world. Tripadvisor just announced its top picks the best beaches in the world for 2025. And the winner is Elafonissi beach in Crete, Greece. Among the Top 10 world beaches, Indonesia contributes Kelingking beach in Nusa Penida, Bali to the world. Kelingking  Beach is...

Japanese Emperor Visit in Jogjakarta, the Sultanate Palace closed for tourists one day.

  The Japanese Emperor Naruhito will visit Yogyakarta on Wednesday, 21 June 2023 and among the agenda is to visit the Yogyakarta Palace. Thus, tourists who are in Jogjakarta and plan to see the Sultanate Palace need to take notice the latest operational schedule accordngly.  The Yogyakarta Palace manager, Carik Kawedanan Radyo Kartiyoso Raden Ajeng Siti Amirul Nur Sundari said that during the emperor and empress's visit, the Yogyakarta Palace would be closed for a full day from tourist visits. "The closure of the Palace from tourist visits is only on June 21," said Siti Amirul, Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Emperor Naruhito is scheduled to meet with the Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X at 18.00 - 19.45 WIB. The agenda for the meeting was based on the Palace's protocol records for the Royal Dinner. During the emperor's visit, only the Kedhaton Palace complex was closed for tourist visits, while other units such as the Tamansari area continued to o...

Explore Ancient Temples in Jogjakarta : Sewu Temple

Sewu Temple seen from East Entrace. When visiting Prambanan Temple, you will a number of temple close by one of those is Sewu Temple. You can reach the temples using electric vehicles availabe once you exit Prambanan Temple.Situated in Bugisan village, Prambanan sub-district, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province. Sewu Temple is a Buddist temple and the second biggest Buddhist Temple after Borobudur in Indonesia. The temple is also listed a s a World heritage. Sewu Temple seen from North Entrance. This temple complex consists of 249 temples namely 1 main temple, 4 pair of Apit temples, and 240 perwara temples. Located in the center of the complex, the main temple is surrounded by Perwara and Apit Temples. Sewu Temple Complex has 4 entraces ( east, north and south) and each if them is guarded by two Dwaraoala statues. Source : Department of Tourism and Culture, Central Java Province.

Air Force Aerospace Museum Center Mandala

Mandala Air and Space Museum is located at the northern end of Bantul and Sleman district directly adjacent to the region precisely in complex Air Force Base Adisucipto Yogyakarta. Although its location is somewhat hidden in the Air Force complex, yet easy access to this place. Because only about 200 m from the main road Jackie (Ring Road east) Yogyakarta. Where the road crossed by many public transportation, both bus (inter city as well as in the city) or other public transportation. Mandala Air and Space Museum is the most complete in Indonesia which occupies an area of ​​five acres with a building area of ​​approximately 7,600 m2. History Air Museum Mandala comes from the merging of two Central Museum of the Air Force Museum was established in 1967 in Jakarta and Museum Education or Youth educational complex that is in the Armed Forces Academy Part Air Yogyakarta. In 1977 both were later combined.  Mandala Air and Space Museum Collection exhibiting a collection of h...

Yogya Kembali Monument, Giant Concrete Tumpeng

Yogya Kembali Monument, a monument to the history of the struggle of the Indonesian capital Ir era. Served as president of Indonesia Sukarno. General Offensive March 1 shows the extraordinary power of the military against the Netherlands. Proving that Indonesia is not a colony but a sovereign independent state with beribukotakan Yogyakarta. Struggles and sacrifices made are not in vain, through the United Nations was born KTN (Commission of the Three Kingdoms) which produces Roem-Royen agreement that requires the Netherlands withdrew its troops from Indonesia. Dutch officially withdrew on June 29, 1949.  Yogya Kembali Monument was built on June 29, 1985 to commemorate the history of the Dutch withdrawal of ground water reclaim Yogyakarta Indonesia and the occupation of the Netherlands. Laying the first stone Yogya Kembali Monument performed by the King of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and inaugurated by President Soeharto's New Order era on July 6, 1989. Yogya K...

Museum Kekayon in Yogyakarta

Jogjakarta is a city rich in culture and art, one of which was a puppet. In this city there are Kekayon museum store and display a collection of various puppets and masks and puppets were introduced history ranging from 6th century until the 20th century. Established on July 23, 1990 by a mental health specialist named Soedjono Prawirohadikusumo. The museum is located at Jl. Raya Yogya-Wonosari Km. 7, approximately 1 km from the Ring Road East. In this museum you will be taken browse Indonesian history of events ranging from ancient times until the proclamation of independence through rare video footage. Borobudur lions who sat quietly in the front page of the museum marks the 17th-century Buddhist Hindu civilization In the front left corner of the museum, there is a complex of buildings that depict early human Indonesian human origins. While in the left rear of the museum there is a refinement of a story depicting kartasaru puppet in the 18th century by a poet named Kraton Suraka...

Geotechnology Mineral Museum Yogyakarta

The museum was inaugurated by the Minister of Defense, General (Ret) Poniman on February 17, 1988 The museum is located at University Campus II National Development "Veteran" Yogyakarta. At first collection - a collection owned by the museum is the fruit that is hand carried by each lecturer and assistant. In Year 1967 - 1986 when returning from the field are required to bring a souvenir in the form of rock specimens, fossils, or minerals. All fruit is hand is then collected and turned into museum collections. The museum has a huge collection including the exits, Mineral, Rock, Rock incision Photo, Precious Stones, Minerals, Monolith Land, Map, Panel, maket, Fossil, Sculpture, Paintings, Artifacts, CD Film and Photo. Owned collection of around 1,252 pieces. The oldest collection is a replica of old crinoid fossil trilobites tetracoral 570-230 million years ago. While the seed is a collection of fossils of ancient elephants head (Maestodon SP) which is thought to have liv...

Legend Affandi museum Yogyakarta

Collection of original paintings maestro Affandi's works can be seen at the Museum Affandi Yogyakarta, precisely in Jogja-Solo highway, west bank of Gajah Wong River. Building such a magnificent castle that supposedly comes from the idea of ​​Affandi's own design. In the museum complex there are 3 Gallery which houses various works. I opened gallery space since 1962 displaying his personal works of Affandi painting in the early career until the end of his life, even there is a collection of items such as cars berharaga Affandi 1976 Colt Gallan greenish yellow color. In Gallery II, which was inaugurated in 1988, there are collections of paintings of many painters beginners to seniors. Gallery II consists of 2 floors. Level 1 contains abstract paintings, while the second floor contains the theme of realist painting. In the museum the last search, the gallery III tangible building with a roof like a banana leaf midrib. This 3-storey gallery is a multifunctional buildi...

Visit The Palace of Yogyakarta Sultanate While in Indonesia.

Keraton Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta) or often referred to Ngayogyakarta Palace is located in the heart of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Indonesia. Because it is located in the center of Yogyakarta, which is taken as a straight line between Mount Merapi and the South Sea, the palace becomes the center of both. Keraton or Kraton Jogja is the last of all the royal kingdom who had triumphed in the land of Java. When the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom ended then forwarded to the first Islamic kingdom in Demak, and other royal standing as the Islamic Mataram was founded by Sultan Agung and running and appears Kraton Yogyakarta which was founded by Sultan Hamengku Bowono I. Until now, the palace of Yogyakarta still saving culture was amazing. During its development, the Keraton Jogja many had their ups and downs leadership schism. The most famous is Giyanti agreement in 1755, in which the kingdom was divided into 2 (two) the eastern region which is now a palace of Surakar...

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