
Considering safe cities to stay, Here are seven (7) safest cities in Indonesia.

Puro Mangkunegara, Among the icon of Surakarta, the safest city in Indonesia. Safety factor is a crucial factor to consider when deciding to visit and stay in a place outside your hometown.  The level of safety and comfort are considered the most by its visitors. The status of a safe place to visit makes its residence proud of. In Indonesia itself, there is a number of citiest that has been named the safest. As such it is not surprising that some people choose these cities as their next place to live. Safe city, then, in Indonesia can be a good indicator for foreign tourists to visit. The Association of Planning Experts (Ikatan Ahli Perencana) conducted a survey regarding the safest cities in Indonesia, which you can use as a reference. Here are seven (7) of those. 1. Solo            Solo is the city where Presiden Joko Widodo comes from. It is also known as Surakarta , and one of the cities that is considered as the safest in Indonesia. It's not surprising that this

New International Airports in Indonesia.

  Yogyakarta International Airport, Kulon Progo,DIY. Indonesia has now appointed new International airports, as well as domestic airports. According the transportation ministry of Indonesia, recently international airports are reduced to  17 airports whereas other 17 airports are allocated for domestic destination.  The differences between international and domestic airports are in three facilities. In the international airports, Custoums, Immigration, and Quarrantines are provided to serve international pessengers. The mnistry of transportation guarantees that there will be no differences in the service quality The airport operation is maintained in compliance to the standards made by International Civil Aviation Organization based in Canada. International Airports are spread across country as follows : five in Sumatra Island, three in Java Island, one in Bali Island, one in Lombok Island. The International Airports are : 1. Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport, Aceh Besar, Aceh; 2. Kualanam

The Charm of Teletubies Hills in Indonesia.

  One form of site attractions in tourism destination in Indonesia is Bukit Teletubbies or Teletubbies Hill. The name is derived from kid's TV Series called Teletubbies. The series was not only funny for its characters but also had beautiful hill. Here are ten Teletubbies Hill in Indonesia you can visit : Bukit Teletubbies Bromo, East Java. Bromo Tetetubbies Hill is one of the tourist destinations in the Mount Bromo area. Visiting Teletubbies Hill, visitors will be presented with a green carpet view of a-382 ha savana. This view can soothe the eyes. This place later received the nickname Teletubbies Hill because the view is similar to the hills and green fields in the Teletubbies series. To get to Teletubbies Hill, visitors can rent a 4 x 4 wheeled -drive vehicle that can explore rough terrain. Reporting from, the location of Teletubbies Hill is behind Mount Bromo. On Teletubbies Hill, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the sunrise. When the sun ri

A New Look of Miniature Garden of Beautiful Indonesia (TMII)

         Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) has a new look after going through a renovation. The new face is the result of collaboration between three ministries, namely the Ministry of State Secretaries (Kemensetneg), the Ministry of PUPR, and the Ministry of BUMN (State Owned Enterprises).  Browse  for more. The renovation of TMII is part of accelerating the implementation of infrastructure development to support the holding of international events.The renovation of TMII is one of President Jokowi's mandates as regulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 116 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Implementation of Infrastructure Development for International Event Organizing Units in the Provinces of Bali, DKI Jakarta, NTB and NTT. The management of TMII was handed over by the Ministry of State Secretariat to a subsidiary of the BUMN InJourney Tourism holding company, namely PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko (TWC) as of July 1 20

Happy 267th Anniversary of Yogjakarta City : the day of Transfer from Ambangketawang to Yogjakarta Palace.

  The date on October 7th is always remembered as the founding day of this city. The existence of the city of Yogyakarta cannot be separated from the Yogyakarta Palace. Because, the date of the founding of the City of Yogyakarta refers to the day when the King of the Yogyakarta Palace, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, occupied the Yogyakarta Palace. This event occurred on October 7, 1776. In the Javanese calendar, Thursday Pahing 13 Sura 1682. The Yogyakarta Palace was actually built on October 9, 1775. The location where the palace was built was a forest. It is called Pabraringan Forest  located between two rivers. Namely, the Code t River on the west and the Gajah Wong River on the east side. During the construction of the palace, Sultan HB I lived at Pesanggrahan Keraton Ambarketawang. It's to the west, now in the Ambarketawang Village area, Kapanewon Gamping, Sleman Regency. When the Yogyakarta Palace building was completed, Sultan HB I decided to move. The transfer